B2B E-commerce, for unserved African retailers.

And a Neo-Bank for retailers.

Retailers registered, for Arha's B2B service.
People registered, for Arha's C2C Marketplace.
Arha's Mobile Money (POS service) Transaction Volume

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About Arha

We provide a mobile application, through which retailers (mom-and-pop stores) in Africa — who normally buy inventory offline — can order inventory online. When they order online, we'll help them to avoid the hassle and losses associated with closing their shops to go to wholesaler's shop to buy inventory. We'll also help them to procure inventory cheaper, on credit, and with cashback benefit, while also providing them with the FinTech to accept digital payments.

How will it work? Retailers place an order through our Mobile Application (or WebApp, USSD, etc.), we will then pick the order from our warehouse and deliver it to their shops within 24-42 hours.

Similar startups with similar offering exist in Nigeria — like Suplias, TradeDeport, and Omnibiz — why should Arha exist?

Existing B2B E-commerce (RetailTech) Startups in Nigeria, may be doing great, but they aren't yet serving even (estimated) 30% of the market. That means, (estimated) 70% of the market — millions of retailers — are UNSERVED; which leaves huge gap for other new players to bridge. Arha is stepping in as one of such players, to help spread the benefits of RetailTech to those millions of unserved retailers.

Our story

2 Leaders from Udaan — India's largest B2B E-commerce, and a Senior Software Engineer from Bazaar — one of Pakistan's leading B2B E-commerce Startups, and 2 Nigeria locals, meet to build a B2B E-commerce (RetailTech),  for unserved African retailers.

With a team consisting of domain experts that are already successfully implementing something similar in India and Pakistan, we've embarked on a journey, whose success will transform the lives of millions!

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  • Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
  • Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.
  • Vivamus elementum semper nisi eleifend tellus

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